Wednesday, September 18, 2013

bellringer! they are trying to stop suicides, they are looking for any possible threats towards the school, and they are looking for bullying. i beleive this is sort of an invasion of privacy i mean yes facebook and twitter and stuff is ment to be public but i dont think that school systems should use that to there advantage as an excuse to invade in peoples personal life, so yes i think its an invasion of privacy. if this was used in barbour county and id be suprised if it aint already being used a little bit but if it is i think its completely wrong and is invading of privacy there excuse was there trying to save lives, but 95 % percent of those dramatic facebook posts are for attention and that reason only!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

i think its a pretty good idea for mc donalds to have a option like that but thats a little over priced i think 15 dollars is to much because really thats no that much food and around 2800 calories and yes other fast food companies will follow

Monday, September 9, 2013

i dont think the US should have the responsibility to be the world police and try to solve everybodys problems. the UN should play a role in enforcement because they need to thats why. chemical weapons are a concern to the world because it can effect everybody in the world so it kinda needs too concern everyone.

Friday, September 6, 2013

i think that he over reacted a lil bit i mean take his cookie away or his juice box dont slap the crap out of the boy. i think his fathers reactions were just way to strong and he has serious anger problems! yes it wouldve been acceptable in the 1950s

Thursday, September 5, 2013

i dont think that mcdonalds should raise the prices on there dollar menu because then it wouldnt be a dollar menu! that defeats the purpose of dollar menu! and no entry level fast food workers should not make that much money because its a job that requires no skills what so ever you dont even need a highschool diploma to work there so why pay them 15 dollars an hour! and if they start paying 15 dollars an hour then the price of food will go up and then there buisness will go down cause lets face it mcdonalds is known for cheap greasy food.