Monday, December 16, 2013

#10 Nelson Mandella dies at the age of 95, Mandella was globally recongnized and will be missed by millions.
#9Meteorites injured hundreds in russia, there were several hundred people that were injured by a meteor shower of sorts in russia that wasnt very recongnized but is pretty serious.
#8Huge tornado hits oklahoma and killed several people and caused thousands of dollars worth of damage, destroyed homes and families in america.
#7Spain train crash killed close to a hundred people and was heard about throughout the world so i consider it to be a major event to happen.
#6Iran nuclear deal this is very important that our enimies have access to nuclear material and there crazy enough to use it and we just made a deal for them to still keep it as lng as they dont make weapons.
#5Detroit files for bankruptcy, detroit was once a booming city in america and now they file for bankruptcy because the factories are just about all shut down.
#4syria chemical attack allegitation, we had issues with syria and them trying to use chemical weapons but we made them destoy them before they could use them.
#3DC navy yard shooting, alot of stuff went to follow with this event even though they were deaths there were more attempts on gun control isssues to follow sending people into more rage.
#2Boston marathon blasts, i considered to be a terroist attack this killed people and turned into a wild goose chase the whole deal had several people scared for there lifes being attacked during a event like that.
#1 goverment shutdown i believe this is the worst it shows that our goverment cant work together well enough to keep the goverment running putting thousands of people working without pay some not working at all because they couldnt agree on raising the debt cieling.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

his message is controversial because he is talking about the pope in a bad way which will start trouble
i dont think either should be able to vote the way i look at it is if your stupid enough to do stuff to get you a felony or jail time then we dont need your imput in voting because obviously you make bad choices

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

well we would just be all for the gay obviosly we wouldnt say crap about wearing rainbows because america doesnt have a back bone any more
i disagree with kmarts choice to stay up for thanksgiving all day long. They are just trying to make money and by doing so there neglecting there workers. forcing them to work during thanksgiving all day long is a bit selfesh and greedy beecause there only doing it to make extra money that they dont need if there going to do this then they need to pay the workers time and a half for not being able to be home with there families

Monday, November 4, 2013

tougher requirements make it harder for us to vote and drives people away from voting i think if they get to crazy with the requirements it can violate our voting rights

Monday, October 28, 2013

Compare yourself to other demographic groups by:
Overall, your political values are closest to those of an… Average Republican

Economic Left/Right: -1.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.51

Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal

Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
u fit on the political map.
Your Results
this confederate flag thing is just some one wanting to start up an arguement and he has facts but i beleive its the way he presents the facts that makes the flag look bad

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

         Chew on this, obesity is certainly becoming a problem in america. Our lifesyles are starting to revolve around fast food, its not just something that has came out of the blue. It has been around us for a long time, the problem is just getting worse. Obesity is your choice i dont beleive that its in your family bull crap. If your dedicated and have your mind set on living a healthy life style then you will live it. By going out to fast food resturants and drinking and eating bad foods then your more than likely gonna be obese by the time your 55.
       Obesity needs to be taken care of, theres a line between being overweight and being obese. I think people just get to the point where they dont have enough respect for themselves to get up off the couch and put the cheetos down and go for a walk. Im not going to blame fast food resturants for obese people because its 100% your choice to eat the food. Fast food resturants are just more conveniant to the average person. If your on a tight work schedule and you need somem to eat just go to mc donalds and in two mins your on your way with cheap easy food. I think that is more of the problem why people are obese because its easier, more conveniant, takes less effort to just eat something bad for you and sit on the couch than what it takes to eat something nutritous and go for a walk.
 My point that im coming to is that america is lazy, we are just becoming a very lazy nation. The laziness is showing up in our economy, on our bodies, and even in our lifestyles. I beleive that its just become so easy to be lazy that more and more people are doing it. If people would actually have to get up and do some manual labor like they did in the old days we wouldnt have obesity. obesity wasnt a problem back when america had to work. Now people can sit around still get a check, go and eat some cheap nasty food, and watch dr. phil everyday. We need to get off our butts and start taking action, thats my take on obesity.
yes i beleive this is a frivolous lawsuit, if your in such pain and discomfort from this car wreck you wouldnt be complaining about it 4 years later and i know for a fact you wouldnt want to go the top of a mountain to go push over rocks. i think he should be punished for destruction of property and for a bogus law suit

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

the one girl should deffinately by charged the other one they didnt say enough about to make a decision on that, a misdemeanor isnt as serious as a felony, i think that there should be some butt whoupins and some parents cracking down when there kids act like snobby bratts

Monday, October 14, 2013

this protest involved politics and they broke down the barriers to protest this goverment shutdown is causing chaos

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

i beleive this is rediculous they have been callled the redskins for a very long time and now this problem just starts to arise? we have much bigger problems in america than to worry about what to call the redskins and its offensive. our goverment is temporarely shut down theres thousands of people not getting paid because of it we are still in a insane amount of debt and were going even deeper into debt we there are thousands with out work and we are worried about what to call the redskins because now its offensive. this is what is wrong with america we worry about celebrities and sports and mtv more than we do about our economy our goverment and our nation.
it says our security isnt to impressive and im suprised that in 2013 a 9 year old outsmarted airport security

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

bellringer! they are trying to stop suicides, they are looking for any possible threats towards the school, and they are looking for bullying. i beleive this is sort of an invasion of privacy i mean yes facebook and twitter and stuff is ment to be public but i dont think that school systems should use that to there advantage as an excuse to invade in peoples personal life, so yes i think its an invasion of privacy. if this was used in barbour county and id be suprised if it aint already being used a little bit but if it is i think its completely wrong and is invading of privacy there excuse was there trying to save lives, but 95 % percent of those dramatic facebook posts are for attention and that reason only!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

i think its a pretty good idea for mc donalds to have a option like that but thats a little over priced i think 15 dollars is to much because really thats no that much food and around 2800 calories and yes other fast food companies will follow

Monday, September 9, 2013

i dont think the US should have the responsibility to be the world police and try to solve everybodys problems. the UN should play a role in enforcement because they need to thats why. chemical weapons are a concern to the world because it can effect everybody in the world so it kinda needs too concern everyone.

Friday, September 6, 2013

i think that he over reacted a lil bit i mean take his cookie away or his juice box dont slap the crap out of the boy. i think his fathers reactions were just way to strong and he has serious anger problems! yes it wouldve been acceptable in the 1950s

Thursday, September 5, 2013

i dont think that mcdonalds should raise the prices on there dollar menu because then it wouldnt be a dollar menu! that defeats the purpose of dollar menu! and no entry level fast food workers should not make that much money because its a job that requires no skills what so ever you dont even need a highschool diploma to work there so why pay them 15 dollars an hour! and if they start paying 15 dollars an hour then the price of food will go up and then there buisness will go down cause lets face it mcdonalds is known for cheap greasy food.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

#3 is the phrase that i have chosen, i think he meant just what he said he is saying free at last so im thinking that he means that finally he is being treated as an american not a slave or being discriminated, but actually have the chance to be an american and have rights and be free its relevant to the time period because they are in a time when blacks are just getting there rights and starting to see improvements in the way people treat them.
i really dont have much of a reaction to this speech that really goes for any speech i just dont like speeches but this is a iconic speech in the history of america specially for the negro people. alot of people looked up to this speech, it gave them hope for more change to come. this speech doesnt bring alot of reaction from me but it brought strong reactions from the people it was directed towards.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1. Should the two boys be tried as adults? why or why not? yes i think there old enough to be trialed as adults if they commit murder

2. Should their identity remain undisclosed or since the crime is heinous? justify your answer?i think there identy should be exposed because there names need to be known

3. What can we as a society do to keep crimes like this from happening?  maybe better schooling or education or maybe make some skateparks or somem for kids to stay out of trouble.