Tuesday, October 22, 2013

         Chew on this, obesity is certainly becoming a problem in america. Our lifesyles are starting to revolve around fast food, its not just something that has came out of the blue. It has been around us for a long time, the problem is just getting worse. Obesity is your choice i dont beleive that its in your family bull crap. If your dedicated and have your mind set on living a healthy life style then you will live it. By going out to fast food resturants and drinking and eating bad foods then your more than likely gonna be obese by the time your 55.
       Obesity needs to be taken care of, theres a line between being overweight and being obese. I think people just get to the point where they dont have enough respect for themselves to get up off the couch and put the cheetos down and go for a walk. Im not going to blame fast food resturants for obese people because its 100% your choice to eat the food. Fast food resturants are just more conveniant to the average person. If your on a tight work schedule and you need somem to eat just go to mc donalds and in two mins your on your way with cheap easy food. I think that is more of the problem why people are obese because its easier, more conveniant, takes less effort to just eat something bad for you and sit on the couch than what it takes to eat something nutritous and go for a walk.
 My point that im coming to is that america is lazy, we are just becoming a very lazy nation. The laziness is showing up in our economy, on our bodies, and even in our lifestyles. I beleive that its just become so easy to be lazy that more and more people are doing it. If people would actually have to get up and do some manual labor like they did in the old days we wouldnt have obesity. obesity wasnt a problem back when america had to work. Now people can sit around still get a check, go and eat some cheap nasty food, and watch dr. phil everyday. We need to get off our butts and start taking action, thats my take on obesity.

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